Nominated for the Editing Award
Ophir Awards competition (Israeli Oscar)

Official Selection
Cinema South Film Festival

The city Sderot lives under an ongoing missile attack, this absurd routine has a high toll on the city residents. Igal leaves Tel Aviv and moves to Sderot to teach film in a local high school. When a missile hit one of the students’ fathers, Igal convinces him to take a camera and document his father in the hospital, other students start documenting their lives as well. The stories brought through the camera bring the principal to band the footage banning Igal to keep filming. Igal is torn between his commitment to his students and the principal’s objection to his way of teaching that presents an unpleasant picture of the people who live there.
✦ Hebrew
✦ English
✦ Nominated for the Editing Award - Ophir Awards competition (Israeli Oscar) 2018
✦ Cinema South Film Festival
✦ Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation - Israel Cinema Project
✦ Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
✦ Keshet Broadcasts
✦ Co-Production with United King